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  • Local & National Publications

Local & National Publications

This section details the most up to date policy, news and strategic developments locally and nationally.

An illustration of charts and reports on a laptop.

Local Reports and Research

The ADP works closely with local partners and services to evidence what is working well whilst setting out what needs to be put in place to support change to keep people safe and well. We do this by reviewing, monitoring and evaluating local services and commissioning research.  Our local reports and research can be found below:

Local Reports and Research

Local Events

North Lanarkshire ADP recently held a Making Connections event in December 2023. This event brought together both National and Local Partners, colleagues and stakeholders. The event was a platform for  Partners to share current position and showcase the progress made within the last 12 months.

Local Events

National Reports and Research

The ADP are tasked by Scottish Government to implement national policy and evidence based practice.  Key strategic documents, reports and research underpinning our work, and that of partners can be found below: 

National Reports and Research

National Partners

A list of key national partners can be accessed below with links provided to some key developments of their service.

Alcohol Focus Scotland

AFS is the national charity working to prevent and reduce alcohol harm. We want to see fewer people have their health damaged or lives cut short due to alcohol, fewer children and families suffering as a result of other people’s drinking, and communities free from alcohol-related crime and violence.

We campaign for evidence-based policies to reduce alcohol-related harm, including maintaining and uprating minimum unit pricing and restricting alcohol marketing.


British Liver Trust

Supporting people with liver disease and working to stamp out stigma ensuring those with liver disease feel supported, not judged.


Crew 2000

CREW also have a digital drop-in service




With over thirty five years’ experience and dedication to the prevention of gas and solvent inhalation, Re-Solv is acknowledged as the UK lead in the field and runs ‘Community for Recovery’, the national support network for people struggling with this form of substance use.


Scottish Drugs Forum

Scottish Drugs Forum (SDF) is Scotland’s national resource of expertise on drugs and related issues.


SDF also host and manage the following websites:

MAT Standards website www.MATstandards.scot

#StopTheDeaths website https://www.stopthedeaths.com/

Scottish Drugs Services directory website  https://www.scottishdrugservices.com/

Scottish Needle Exchange Services directory website https://www.needleexchange.scot/

Hepatitis Scotland website https://www.hepatitisscotland.org.uk/

Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs

Scottish Families Affected by Alcohol and Drugs and Adfam have developed a Reporting of Substance Media Toolkit to encourage respectful reporting around alcohol and drugs.  The toolkit has 5 key recommendations – view these here


Helpline 08080 101 011


Scottish Health Action Alcohol Problems

Scottish Health Action on Alcohol Problems (SHAAP) provides the authoritative medical and clinical voice on the need to reduce the impact of alcohol-related harm on the health and wellbeing of people in Scotland and the evidence-based approaches to achieve this.


Scottish Recovery Consortium

Connecting Recovery across Scotland – We achieve this by working with recovery in all its forms – from grassroots to government, from individuals to international organisations and we value lived and living experience throughout.


With You

Need to talk?

We are with you.

Get free, confidential support with alcohol, drugs or mental health from one of our local services or online.


National Development and Initiatives

The Scottish Government alongside key national partners are committed to improving outcomes and reducing alcohol and drug related harms for the people of Scotland.  Some key national developments to support this include the introduction of the MAT standards, Public Health Scotland’s RADAR alerts and network, and human rights based working. 

The ADP advocate for people’s rights to be upheld, we involve people with lived and living experience of substance use to understand their experiences of accessing services and we are passionate about reducing all forms of stigma. More information on national developments can be found below.

MAT standards benchmarking report

Medication Assisted Treatment (MAT) standards came into force in April 2022 and are being implemented in our services throughout Scotland.  MAT standards refers to the use of medication alongside psychological and social support in the treatment of people experiencing problems with their drug use.

The MAT standards aim to reduce drug related harms and the risk of drug deaths by providing quick access to safe, high-quality treatment and support.  The implementation of the new standards will transform the treatment and care for people experiencing problems with their drug use across Scotland.

Wider information about MAT standards is available here and the bench marking report below provides information on the implementation progress across North Lanarkshire and Scotland.

Scottish Parliamentary Debate (June 2023)

The new Scottish Government Minister for alcohol and drugs Elena Whitham, provides an update on MAT standards implementation progress and her vision for future developments.

Panel Principles Video

Rapid Action Drug Alerts and Response (RADAR)

As part of the response to record high drug-related deaths in Scotland, Public Health Scotland (PHS) and partners have developed an early warning system, RADAR – Rapid Action Drug Alerts and Response.

This is a national system working with communities and stakeholders to identify and assess potential drug-related risks and harms, which then informs decision making to reduce harms and save lives. To sign up to Radar click here 

The RADAR team produce quarterly update reports and have also developed a useful Drugs A-Z which includes street names of common drugs as well as brief descriptions of drug types and categories.


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