FASD: The Teenage Years session for Parents and Caregivers


FASD Hub UK are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new training course, "The Teenage Years", specifically designed for parents and caregivers. This course has been written to help parents and carers navigate the complex and often challenging teenage years for young people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and it will be […]


FASD Hub Community Group

Boardroom at Newmains Conference Centre

FASD Hub Scotland are delighted to announce our first event in North Lanarkshire which will be a: Face2face Community Group  DATE: 11th September  PLACE: Boardroom at Newmains Conference Centre TIME: 11am-12. If you can make it please fill out the form linked here so we know how many people will be attending: https://forms.office.com/e/3yvVRderZh My colleague Gemma […]


FASD: The Teenage Years session for Parents and Caregivers


FASD Hub UK are thrilled to announce the launch of our brand new training course, "The Teenage Years", specifically designed for parents and caregivers. This course has been written to help parents and carers navigate the complex and often challenging teenage years for young people with Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD) and it will be […]


FASD: Insights & Strategies for Professionals


This course is suitable for professionals working in the Third Sector, education or working with adoptive, fostering or kinship families. It is not suitable for medical/clinical practitioners. Written and delivered by the FASD Hub Team, this 3 hour course covers topics including: Alcohol and its impact on society How alcohol affects the developing fetus FASD, prevalence and common challenges […]

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