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  • NHS Lanarkshire Health Improvement Team

Event Series Cannabis Awareness

Cannabis Awareness


Online 2hrs Open to all in Lanarkshire Session Aims: Increase knowledge of both natural and synthetic cannabinoids. Understand cannabinoid use, delivery methods. Understand health implications of cannabinoid use, along with information on harm reduction and how to talk about Cannabis use. For more information and to book: NHSLHealth.ImprovementTraining@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk


Relationships, Sexual Health and Parenthood (RSHP)


This multiagency training session will be held online Participants will:  Consider the building blocks of RSHP  Learn about the evidence base  Understand the context of RSHP in Scottish Education  Learn about the national resource at www.rshp.scot For more information and to book: NHSLHealth.ImprovementTraining@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk


Fetal Alcohol Spectrum Disorder (FASD)


Online 1hr Open to all in Lanarkshire Session Aims: • Outline prevalence of alcohol use in Scotland. • Describe the social determinants of health in relation to FASD. • Identify symptoms of FASD. • Understand the importance of preconception care. For more information and to book: NHSLHealth.ImprovementTraining@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk


Ask, Tell, Safe a Life

Online 2 hrs Staff or volunteers in Lanarkshire who want to gain awareness of mental health and suicide prevention Ask, tell, save a life Mental Health, Compassionate Conversations and Suicide Prevention Learning  objective: To inform everyone about mental health and the prevention of suicide so that they may be able to promote good mental health, […]


Sexual Health and Relationships Education (SHRE)


This is a multiagency online training session. Participants will:  Be updated on issues that concern Children and Young People.  Consider Child Sexual Exploitation and normative child development.  Learn about key messages on consent and healthy relationships  Consider RSHP in the context of Scottish Education.  Understand sexual health in a Scottish […]


Alcohol and Older Adults

Alcohol Focus Scotland, 166 Buchanan St, Glasgow G1 2LW

Aim: The aim of the training is to raise awareness of effects of alcohol on older adults and the reasons, issues related with older people drinking and the services and support that is available. Who is it for? Anyone supporting older adults, i.e. health care professionals, sheltered housing staff, care services, etc. Learning outcomes: • […]

Event Series Cannabis Awareness

Cannabis Awareness


Online 2hrs Open to all in Lanarkshire Session Aims: Increase knowledge of both natural and synthetic cannabinoids. Understand cannabinoid use, delivery methods. Understand health implications of cannabinoid use, along with information on harm reduction and how to talk about Cannabis use. For more information and to book: NHSLHealth.ImprovementTraining@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk

Event Series Understanding Mental Health Stigma  

Understanding Mental Health Stigma  


Online workshops for everyone in Lanarkshire  Learning objectives:   Have a better understanding of what mental health stigma and discrimination is. How this affects people’s recovery from mental illness. Why it is an important issue to tackle. Signposting information and resources. Book via link below:  https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=veDvEDCgykuAnLXmdF5Jmkq7_Zqg7zFFh_VeZzMP0j9URUY2RTVJNkRXNVYwM1Q0S1FLNzhJTlFMRS4u  

Event Series Understanding Mental Health Stigma  

Understanding Mental Health Stigma  


Online workshops for everyone in Lanarkshire  Learning objectives:   Have a better understanding of what mental health stigma and discrimination is. How this affects people’s recovery from mental illness. Why it is an important issue to tackle. Signposting information and resources. Book via link below:  https://forms.office.com/Pages/ResponsePage.aspx?id=veDvEDCgykuAnLXmdF5Jmkq7_Zqg7zFFh_VeZzMP0j9URUY2RTVJNkRXNVYwM1Q0S1FLNzhJTlFMRS4u  


Event Series Blood Borne Viruses (BBVs)

Blood Borne Viruses (BBVs)


Introductory awareness raising session for non-clinical staff in Lanarkshire, focusing on transmission, prevention and treatment of blood borne viruses. Participants will:  Identify the most common BBVs.  Learn about methods of prevention and common routes of transmission.  Understand what BBVs can’t do.  Consider the impact of stigma, particularly in relation to HIV. […]

Event Series Solihull 2 Days Foundation Training

Solihull 2 Days Foundation Training

Face to face 2 Day Training for Those working with families in Lanarkshire Solihull 2 Days Foundation Training The Solihull Approach offers a 2 Day Foundation training for groups of professionals working with families in the UK and internationally. The Solihull Approach introduces a model for understanding the impact of relationships on health and wellbeing […]


Ask, Tell, Save a Life


Online 2 hrs session for staff or volunteers in Lanarkshire who want to gain awareness of mental health and suicide prevention Ask, tell, save a life Mental Health, Compassionate Conversations and Suicide Prevention Learning  objective: To inform everyone about mental health and the prevention of suicide so that they may be able to promote good […]

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