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  • North Lanarkshire Draft Licensing Statement Update

North Lanarkshire Draft Licensing Statement Update

Oct 12, 2023 | News

Consultation is a key part of the process in developing or a new licensing policy statement for North Lanarkshire. This provides local residents and partners, a chance to have their say on the approach to alcohol licensing in their community.   A partnership response was recently submitted to the Licensing Board on behalf of the ADP support team, Public Health and Health Improvement colleagues.  For more information about our response please contact nladp@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk

North Lanarkshire’s local licensing forum

North Lanarkshire’s local licensing forum

The local licensing forum is now appealing for new members.  If you are keen to support the safe and regulated sale of alcohol, and if you are interested in the impact of licensing decisions in your area, then you may want to be part of the local licensing forum.

The role of the forum

The forum’s role is to review the licensing board’s decisions on liquor licensing and consider what these will mean for the community. The forum gives advice and makes recommendations to the licensing board. The forum cannot, however, comment on particular cases. 

The forum considers the implications of relevant local data and statistics provided by appropriate organisations. The forum also identifies key licensing issues that affect North Lanarkshire and develops advice on how to address them. In addition, the forum responds to consultation exercises undertaken by the Licensing Board and the Scottish Government.

Liaison arrangements

The Head of Legal and Democratic Solutions is the first point of contact for enquiries from the forum regarding how they carry out their duties.  He/she will also pass on any advice or recommendations by the forum to the licensing board.

The forum must meet at least four times every year. It must also meet with North Lanarkshire’s licensing board.

Copies of the agendas for meetings of the forum can be obtained on the our minutes agendas and reports system (MARS).

Information for new forum members

We are looking for new members with the following skills and qualities:

  • the ability to contribute to group discussions
  • enthusiasm
  • commitment
  • teamwork

Membership of the Local Licensing Forum is an unpaid role, but reasonable travel expenses will be paid.

You can find more information about being a forum member from Alcohol Focus Scotland or from Archie Aitken, Chief Officer (Legal and Democratic) by email at aitkena@northlan.gov.uk

Application form for new forum members

If you are interested in being a new forum member please complete the application form below. Your completed application form must be returned to Andrew Rose, Democratic Services Manager by email to rosean@northlan.gov.uk by Friday 3 November 2023.

Local licensing forum application form [42.88 KB]

Care Opinion Logo

Health & Social Care North Lanarkshire has signed up to Care Opinion, a website which allows patients to share their stories online.

Care Opinion is an independent, not-for-profit, website that gives patients and carers a way of voicing what they think of the services they receive.

We will listen to positive and negative comments and respond to those in a way that is honest, supportive and constructive.

We will use this feedback to make our services in North Lanarkshire the best they can be.

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