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  • Lived and Living Experience Survey

Lived and Living Experience Survey

Aug 5, 2024 | News

We are looking for your engagement. We are seeking people with lived and living experience of substance use in North Lanarkshire to be involved in focused discussions. This will help us shape what we need to work on going forward. We want to know what is important to the people in our communities and would really appreciate individuals, staff, and/or families using services views to be part of discussions going forward.

North Lanarkshire ADP is committed to supporting the health and wellbeing of local families, reducing stigma around substance use and improving access to treatment and care for individuals affected by substance use.

Our vision is a North Lanarkshire where individuals and families experience less harm from the effects of alcohol and drug use. People are safer, healthier and treated with dignity to make informed choices around their own care and empowered to find their own type of recovery.

If anyone would like to be involved, please complete the MS Forms link below and we will be in touch.

Please share the link to the survey widely throughout services and networks. We have embedded supporting information and a poster that can be printed to display and share within services, and if you would like a printable version of the MS Form please contact Evelyn Pepper (evelyn.pepper@lanarkshire.scot.nhs.uk). If required, Evelyn can also attend services to provide more information to support engagement.


NLADP LLE poster

What is the ADP

Care Opinion Logo

Health & Social Care North Lanarkshire has signed up to Care Opinion, a website which allows patients to share their stories online.

Care Opinion is an independent, not-for-profit, website that gives patients and carers a way of voicing what they think of the services they receive.

We will listen to positive and negative comments and respond to those in a way that is honest, supportive and constructive.

We will use this feedback to make our services in North Lanarkshire the best they can be.

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