Stop the Deaths Conference

To mark International Overdose Awareness Day, Scottish Drugs Forum’s Stop The Deaths Conference will gather key stakeholders to discuss Scotland’s response to the public health emergency of drug-related deaths and how change is being, or could be, made.

The conference will be chaired by Anastacia Ryan, University of Glasgow, Lead for Women at Recovering Justice and Founder of the SISU Group.

Minister for Drugs and Alcohol Policy, Christina McKelvie, will open the event with a Ministerial Address.

Sheila Vakharia from the Drug Policy Alliance, USA, will deliver the keynote presentation on Harm Reduction: A Guide to the Core Approach and will engage in a Q&A session and table discussions.

Sheila Vakharia is the author of The Harm Reduction Gap.

A complimentary copy of The Harm Reduction Gap is included with event registration. Additional copies will be available for purchase at the event.

Anna Millington will present on the stigma faced by women and mothers who use drugs, followed by a panel discussion featuring individuals with lived experiences.

Presentations will include Saket Priyadarshi discussing the UK’s first Safer Drug Consumption Facility and Julie McAdam from the University of Glasgow examining pathology and toxicology in recent drug-related deaths in Scotland.

The conference will also feature a presentation on recent research into the lived experiences of recent MAT (Medication-Assisted Treatment) provision in Scotland, followed by a panel with peer researchers and others sharing their lived experiences.


Payments must be made in full during the booking process using any major debit or credit card. If you experience any issues, please contact us at

Subsidised places

There are a limited number of subsidised places available for this event. Priority will be given to individuals without an income and those with living or lived experience. If you would like to apply for a place with no delegate fee, please complete this form.

Only applicants who receive confirmation will be registered as delegates. If you do not meet the criteria, your application for a subsidised place will not be considered.

To apply for a subsidised place: CLICK HERE


To book a place at the conference please visit: SDF’s Annual Stop The Deaths Conference – Scottish Drugs Forum

Included in your event booking will be a custom delegate tote bag filled with a pen, lanyard, #StopTheDeaths Booklet ‘We Can Prevent Drug Deaths – We Just Need to Know How’ and a complimentary copy of keynote speaker Sheila Vakharia’s book The Harm Reduction Gap, which you will have the opportunity to get signed.

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