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  • Events
  • Person-centred awareness of alcohol-related cognitive impairment recovery services

Person-centred awareness of alcohol-related cognitive impairment recovery services

NES Psychology Directorate in conjunction with SACC is delighted to be offering this webinar.

Date:           Wednesday 12th March 2025 10.00 to 13.00   Location: Remote Delivery

seminar is aimed at managers and frontline workers from health and social care, voluntary sector and other key services who are interested in exploring alcohol-related cognitive impairment in recovery services within a trauma-informed, person-centred framework.

It will be a mix of presentations and short interactive activities and will provide an overview of the range of potential alcohol-related cognitive impairment, person-centred assessment of needs and practical strategies implemented across Scotland which underpin a human rights approach to working with alcohol use.

Target Audience:

This event has been developed to support managers and frontline workers from health and social care, voluntary sector and other key services who would like to explore the assessment, prevention and practical strategies possible for working with people who may be impacted by their substance use


Participants are encouraged to visit the workforce development pages for substance use practitioners on NES TURAS at https://learn.nes.nhs.scot/19051/working-with-substance-use-trauma-and-mental-health.  If you have not already, sign up for a TURAS account at https://learn.nes.nhs.scot

For further information about the training, please contact:  Name: Laura Freeman Email: laura.freeman@nhs.scot

For assistance with the Portal and application process, please contact: psychology@nes.scot.nhs.uk or kit.ryan@nhs.scot

Deadline for Applications: 26th February 2025 

To register your interest and receive an application for this course, please visit the NES Portal at: https://www.portal.scot.nhs.uk

Instructions on how to register on The Portal can be found at: https://www.nes.scot.nhs.uk/our-work/portal-the/#howtousetheportal2

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