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  • Events
  • National Mental Health and Substance Use Protocol Launch

National Mental Health and Substance Use Protocol Launch

Healthcare Improvement Scotland are very pleased to invite you to the launch of the National Mental Health and Substance Use Protocol on 25 September between 9.30-11am via MS Teams.

As you may be aware, The Way Ahead: Recommendations to the Scottish Government from the Rapid Review of Co-Occurring Substance Use and Mental Health Conditions in Scotland was published in November 2022. The Review made seven recommendations to the Scottish Government to bring about better integrated care within mental health and substance use services for the benefit of all people with co-occurring conditions.

Healthcare Improvement Scotland has been asked to support delivery of Recommendation 1:

‘Ensure that each area has an agreed protocol in relation to the operational interfaces between mental health services and substance use services.’

At this virtual event we will be sharing the National Protocol and what this means for local areas across Scotland. We will hear from speakers about activity already happening and next steps to enable effective implementation of local protocols.

Please forward this to any colleagues for whom this is relevant and complete the registration link to confirm your attendance. An agenda of the session will be confirmed and sent ahead of the day.


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Care Opinion Logo

Health & Social Care North Lanarkshire has signed up to Care Opinion, a website which allows patients to share their stories online.

Care Opinion is an independent, not-for-profit, website that gives patients and carers a way of voicing what they think of the services they receive.

We will listen to positive and negative comments and respond to those in a way that is honest, supportive and constructive.

We will use this feedback to make our services in North Lanarkshire the best they can be.

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