Introduction to Child Protection

This course is open to staff who work within the 3rd Sector / Voluntary Organisations and are linked to Voluntary
Action North Lanarkshire (VANL)

The course is aimed at staff who require an overview of child protection and will provide information and guidance
on what to do if you have concerns about a child. It is an interactive course delivered over a three hour session with
space provided for reflection and any questions.

The aim of the Introduction to Child Protection Course is to equip you with the knowledge and skills to respond
appropriately to child protection situations which may arise in the normal course of your working day.
By the end of the course participants will have:
• Explored the impact of individual experience, values and attitudes in the protection of children.
• Examined the historical context and the legal framework relating to child protection.
• Knowledge of the categories of abuse.

Nominations for these courses are co-ordinated by Joyce Morgan

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Care Opinion Logo

Health & Social Care North Lanarkshire has signed up to Care Opinion, a website which allows patients to share their stories online.

Care Opinion is an independent, not-for-profit, website that gives patients and carers a way of voicing what they think of the services they receive.

We will listen to positive and negative comments and respond to those in a way that is honest, supportive and constructive.

We will use this feedback to make our services in North Lanarkshire the best they can be.

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