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  • Events
  • Embedding trauma-informed and responsive organisations, services and workforces: National Learning Event

Embedding trauma-informed and responsive organisations, services and workforces: National Learning Event

Please join the Improvement Service on 11th September 10.00am-12.30pm via Teams to hear about the progress, and impact of embedding a trauma-informed and responsive approach across Scotland services, systems and workforces. We’ll be sharing learning from a number of new reports published by the Improvement Service and the Scottish Government, and you will hear directly from local areas driving forward this work. There will also be opportunities to reflect on recommendations and next steps for this work in Scotland, and, in particular, to consider what’s needed to strengthen collective leadership for this agenda.

This event is open to all, including colleagues working across the public, third and private sectors to embed a trauma-informed approach, as well as funders, commissioners, policymakers and elected officials- please share this invite with any interested colleagues and networks.

Sign up here and please contact trauma@improvementservice.org.uk with any questions or accessibility requests.



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Care Opinion Logo

Health & Social Care North Lanarkshire has signed up to Care Opinion, a website which allows patients to share their stories online.

Care Opinion is an independent, not-for-profit, website that gives patients and carers a way of voicing what they think of the services they receive.

We will listen to positive and negative comments and respond to those in a way that is honest, supportive and constructive.

We will use this feedback to make our services in North Lanarkshire the best they can be.

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