The National Record of Scotland Drug-Related Deaths Annual Report was published yesterday. The key points highlighted in this report are as follows: In 2023, there were 1,172 drug deaths registered in Scotland, an increase of 12% (121 deaths) compared with 2022....
North Lanarkshire Recovery Communities, Turning Point Scotland, Phoenix Futures and Barnardos in partnership with NLADP have organised 2 events for overdose awareness day.
Date and time Saturday, October 12 · 11am – 4pm GMT+1 Location Glasgow GreenGreendyke Street Saltmarket G1 5DBShow map About this event Event lasts 5 hours Recovery Walk Scotland is the largest recovery event in Scotland and has been held in different locations...
We are looking for your engagement. We are seeking people with lived and living experience of substance use in North Lanarkshire to be involved in focused discussions. This will help us shape what we need to work on going forward. We want to know what is important to...
Following the publication of the National MAT Standards benchmarking report in early July, an update paper has been developed by the MAT Standards Improvement Manager describing the key achievements and progress made across North Lanarkshire. The report can be...
Turning Point Scotland’s Crisis Outreach Service have officially launched the opening of their new clinical facility, now available for use at their premises in Stirling Street, Airdrie. The clinical room is a significant investment, built to the same...