Ketamine Resource

Ketamine Resource

Following local anecdotal reports of increased Ketamine use, Landed have produced a new resource. The resource provides useful information on Ketamine, how it is used, how it affects the mind and body, risks associated with use and harm reduction information. Ketamine...
Prevention and Whole Family Support Provision

Prevention and Whole Family Support Provision

To help promote the services we have available providing prevention and whole family support provision, the ADP support team have developed the document below. This details the universal, targeted and intensive support services that are funded by North Lanarkshire...
National Collaborative – Draft Charter Public Consultation

National Collaborative – Draft Charter Public Consultation

Following the launch of the National Collaborative draft Charter in December, we would like to highlight that the public consultation is open for your views and the views of the communities you support (the draft charter can also be found on this link). Individual or...

Safer Internet Day

In North Lanarkshire the child protection committee, are getting involved in #SaferInternetDay on 6th February. For #SaferInternetDay today, celebrations across the UK are focusing on online issues that matter to young people, including: ⭐ the changes they see online...
Prevention and Whole Family Support Provision

Alcohol (and other drugs) community support fund

A new fund has been made available by North Lanarkshire ADP. The aim of this fund is to support organisations to build capacity and support local people through prevention efforts, reducing crisis and promoting recovery across all six localities. The outcomes and...
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